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How DocuNet Handles Boeing Manuals

Jan 18th 2018
See how Vistair's DocuNet is an effective document management solution for Boeing manuals

See how Vistair's DocuNet is an effective document management solution for Boeing manuals

It’s no secret that airline document management is a full-on process and requires much of your employees’ time and resources in order to manage the workload. So when it comes to looking for a fully managed service or a tool, it’s handy to know that there is a vast range of document management services and products available on the market. But which is the best one to choose for your Boeing fleet?

It can be a hard choice to make, especially when it requires investments into software, infrastructure and potential training for your employees. Additionally, will the chosen solution live up to your expectations and deliver all that you require in a compliant and timely manner in getting those wheels off the tarmac?

FREE INSIGHT: Benefits of a Supported Document Management Solution  >

With Vistair’s world-leading aviation document management system, DocuNet, you can ensure that everything you get out of our supported solution will help streamline your Boeing fleet’s document management. To help show that the DocuNet managed full-service solution is the right decision for your airline’s requirements, we’ve put together a table to show what you can get out of it.



Single managed service that includes:

  • Cloud-based secure infrastructure
  • Document administration centre
  • Client-host user database (including administration levels)
  • Mobile app with online viewer
  • Web updates and web-based annotations
  • Automatic publishing and distribution
  • Availability of task status reports
  • 30+ years' document management experience
3+ hours / 2-3 weeks dependant on requirements and deadlines
Coming soon
Unlimited customisation options available
iOS, Android, Windows, HTML, XML, PDF, Web, EFB
None required
Full support from DocuNet experts and Vistair's Boeing Document Team
Exclusive client Knowledge Days


As you can see, DocuNet managed full-service can offer a range of solutions for your Boeing document management needs by providing a more extensive and fully managed approach to fulfill your requirements. With DocuNet, you’ll be able to have access to a full suite of document management services that can be customised to how you need to use it, including:

  • The ability to give multiple users, from cockpit and cabin crew to technical, access to what they need and when
  • Being able to publish documents to a range of different platforms including EFBs and mobile devices
  • An unlimited range of customisation options
  • Update-resilient personalised notes and annotations that can be shared across all platforms
  • Have access to a fully managed and fully supported service that is updated on a regular basis

The best part is that when you use DocuNet managed full-service, not only will you be able to cut down on manual hours spent on document management for your Boeing fleet, your processes will be more compliant and meet audit requirement deadlines - freeing up your employees to concentrate on the things they do best and keep your airline operations running smoothly.

Image by permission of Arturi Jalli (Unsplash)

And this is just a taste of what DocuNet can do. Learn more about the benefits that a supported solution like DocuNet managed full-service can provide for your airline. Download our free insight to learn more.